Parc Nacional d`Aigüestortes. Passarel·la del Planell d`Aigüestortes

Pirineus (La Vall de Boí)

 Hearing impaired Wheelchair users People with reduced mobility  Visually impaired

Address: Parc Nacional d`Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, s/n - Alta Ribagorça - La Vall de Boí (Lleida)
Tel.: (+34) 973 696 189    Fax: (+34) 973 696 154

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Distance: 1,000 metres (two-way walk on the same path).
Description: A compacted earth path leads to a walkway of 450 metres long. This takes visitors into the Aigüestortes plateau without jeopardising the environment which is highly sensitive to the impact of walkers. The itinerary is totally flat and most of it is suitable for wheelchairs.

 Information confirmed by Agència Catalana de Turisme Specifications verified on-site for the Agencia Catalana de Turisme by accessibility consultants.